sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2022

Post 1: A Country I Would Like To Visit

There are a lot of countries that I would really like to visit. Italy, France, Spain and Canada are examples. But definitely, It would be a dream come true to visit England. It´s one of the countries with the most interesting and long history behind, with a lot of important events in their timeline. Their monarchy history is very interesting, and the Queen, who R.I.P, had one of the longest reigns in the world. Adiditionaly , their architecture is very beautiful and magnificent, such the Big Ben or The Tower Brigde. Both places are so impressive and I would really like to take pictures of them . Another reason I want to go to England is their food, especially the fish and chips, which is one of the traditional dishes of the country. Finally, another reason is because is there wher there e are some of the most prestigious colleges in the world, like Oxford or Cambridge. It would be a dream to study a PhD there!

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

Well, to be honest, even though I like the University where I study, it is a fact that they have many problems that I would love to change. ...