sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2022

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

Well, to be honest, even though I like the University where I study, it is a fact that they have many problems that I would love to change. 

One of these problems is that the biggest problem exists with the teachers and their teaching methods. Not all of them have this problem and they´re excellent teachers that really want to help you throughout your career and with the contents of the subjects. But others of them just don´t know how to teach their subjects o don´t have the skills to be good teacher, and obviously, that affect the students who can´t understand the classes and they have to be on their own during the semester. 

Another problem that I recently noticed is the curriculum of the career. So many of the subjects from the third year of the programme are starting to be annual, which means that these subjects are taught just once time at a year and if you reprove another subject that deblocks that subject, you´re going to be late one year of the career programme and you have the risk to have a "ghost semester" (that means a semester without subjects because of this condition of being anual)

Finally, another problem that I think it´s too important is the number of places that exist in the faculty to study. Even when we have many study rooms in different places of the university, in comparison with the number of students in this Faculty, many times these places can´t afford the students that want to study in a comfy and nice place, because they´re always full or without the capacity for more students. I wish in the future, the faculty could have more study rooms or other types of places where the students can go to study without problems.

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2022

Post 4: A Time Travel to the Future

 Well, the future is a strange thing. It´s not a theme that interests me too much and, to be honest, the future is a thing that I don´t like to think about. Personally, it´s a topic that scares and gets me so anxious. Additionally, thinking about what it´s going to happen or what it´s coming in my life it´s something that I just don´t like. You know, the future can be so random and how it´s going to depend on your actions in the present and your past decisions can affect it too. I don´t know, in general terms, the future and all the things related to it are things that escaped from our hands. But don´t get me wrong, even if  I don´t like to think about the future, I consider a few things about it interesting and if I have the opportunity to travel to them, I´ll do it to see a few things. One of them is the scientific investigation and their advance. Over the years, science would´ve been more advanced and all the discoveries about a lot of topics probably will make life in the future much better. I can´t imagine all the things that can be possible in a few years!

Another thing that I´ll like to see in the future it´s to see if the climatic change and all the environmental problems are resolved or at least, in a way to resolve them. Actually, all the problems related to the environment, climatic change, pollution, and destruction of habits and other problems are in a critical state and it´s necessary and an emergency to attend and give them a solution. 

But, taking out these two things about the future that I want to know, there isn´t a good reason to want to travel through time and less want to stay in the future. I actually like my life and the things that I have and don´t have any reasons to want to leave them.

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

Well, to be honest, even though I like the University where I study, it is a fact that they have many problems that I would love to change. ...